My Transmedia Story

This week looking at the huge blockbusters of the transmedia industry such as Marvel and Starwars which are huge blockbuster productions across all media got me looking at smaller transmedia stories that are around us every day. As we interact with the world if people aren’t putting themselves across multiple platforms we are confused and dazed. Especially me and my peers that are currently studying Communications and media at UOW it is assumes that everyone have multiple media presences. But even not in that circle everyone expects that you have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, youtube (to watch not necessarily create) at the bare minimum.  So i created this simple remediation of some of my own:

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I think this remediation showcases how the current transmedia world  we live in requires not just what we see and create to be transmedia but also for us to be transmedia people otherwise society will leave you behind uninformed and unnoticed.



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