Permission to meme ?

This week I was introduced to the ABC program called Troll play, Let’s just say it was not that great. Also this week in a lecture we looked at the permission and control methods large companies try to use to control the flow of media and reuse of their content. As far as i understand as far as something is considered transformative in nature online websites won’t pull down your content so i remixed the one almost redeemable part of troll play into a short 36 second remix on soundcloud entitled ‘you are a funny woman’:

I did this since the abc is highly protective of what content they consider to be theirs and i would much rather listen to my 36 seconds 41.5 times straight then listen to the 24 minutes 54 seconds the episode of troll play i listened to is. I also am using it to point out how you can create something completely different and original from others content that they should have no right to stop you or own that content.


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