My tweeting adventures

Live tweeting and BCM 325. For Future cultures we are watching different movies together as screenings throughout the session. While we do this we tweet together on the #bcm325 hashtag on twitter I engage with this account.

This blog will be a look back at my contributions and an analysis of what worked what didn’t and how I can ups my game in the future. Due to Time zone differences I have been watching the BCM325 screenings at a different time to the rest of the class which will change in the future but is a core part of my current live tweeting adventure.

The most class tweet interaction I got was for West World where I had time to watch the screening before the class screen and guessed where to schedule my tweets during the tutorial.

this seems to indicate that timing is much more of a factor and while random bots and people interacted with some of my tweets outside of the BCM 325 class:

I think this interaction is mostly just showing me that it is more important for me to be timely with my tweeting than necessarily the content they contain.

this is evident from probably my two best discussions with multiple tweets coming from West World:

for this response I was probably within 1.5 hours of the screening ending to respond and again be responded to. This only backs up my previous thoughts

Here was a similar story, a tweet I had scheduled had been guess correctly to match when people were seeing and discussing this idea during the screening.

as you can see though this didn’t always start a discussion and often ended like this:

I would comment but by the time people come across it the opportunity was missed and people just drop a like sometimes or nothing but the discussion is over.

This seemingly may not appear to help me going forward. However, this indicates that even when I have planned tweets scheduling them is not a great idea (if I can be there for the screening) so that you can time it to the exact right moment of the film. This I think will be crucial for me going forward into the second half of the screenings where I have seen the majority of them before. This will allow greater pre planning which is currently done in notes on my iPad before, during and after my own screening time:

Whilst there wasn’t always high engagement with my tweets a few of them got quality engagement in the for of a tutor retweet and so far I have used this to help inform future weeks tweeting. This is due to the fact it is the most consistent feedback mechanism I have had up to this point.

Most of the tweets under this banner have been informative with deeper analysis or informative with a bit of humour (well at least I think so).

I have also been retweeting points that I resonate with or have reshaped how I view the movie and liking those I find funny or informative but not quite as significant. However I don’t think there is much to be learned from this as it is hard to contribute to engagement of certain tweets when everyone else is offline. I endeavour to work on this as I head into screening with my tutorial group from next week. I plan to post more question based tweets aimed at creating discussion then I have been recently to make the most of this opportunity going forward but also learning from my own reflection here and other students tweeting reflections.

subject blog: