Timing Tweeting Together

(critical self reflection of Tweets Number 2)

Live tweeting the second stage of screenings in BCM325 was a very different experience from the first half of BCM325 as now time zone are closer and I was actually live tweeting at the same time as the rest of my tutorial group. (bar one week in Croatia for a competition)

After my first tweeting evaluation I wanted to focus on discussion and interaction with others, seeking to add lecture and other relevant information to others onto of my previous tweeting habits. first ill look at the same type of tweets I continued and see how the engagement varied now being live then I will evaluate my progress in interactions.

Standalone tweets:

Tweets including a quote with a small amount of analysis from me and matching when people will have just heard it in the movie now are getting some good reception,

and sometimes my mini tech information facts actually started discussion rather than sitting untouched:

I improved my timing of tweets especially in screenings like ready player one where I here had this tweet primed to send as soon as the movie told us of their plans to turn off the oasis 2 times a week.

while these tweets helped me feel good a bit they didn’t add much lots to the future cultures discussion and the reality of the technology we were seeing, leading me back to mini tech facts which I think are one of the main ways I can add value to future culture discussions and ground what is being seen on the screen with some real technology progress/research.

although relatable tweets were still sprinkled in and did garner me some likes which I think just helped provide motivation for the mini facts I can provide that didn’t always get interacted with but I am hopeful people read.

I believe a refined my art of these tweets and sometimes accidentally achieved interactive tweeting now I was tweeting with the cohort. The far greater possibility I think helped a lot with me refining my tweets to be bite sized both relatable and information based tweets.

Interactive tweeting:

Now onto what I tried to focus on, starting and contributing to discussions to hopefully add value to everyones experience of live tweeting in BCM325.

While it may not have started the greatest for me initiating conversations, interacting with others and seeing what gets talked about live allowed me to refine this in future weeks.

This tweet doesn’t start with a question and just dumps my thoughts down not a great starting point but we got to start somewhere.

simple questions allowing for interactions allowed for discussion like this one that I think provided a good evaluation and prediction space for cars from cyber punk 2049.

Ai was often also a good conversation starter as it seems to always be on the news’ mind so being able to discuss the potentials in AI futures.

Other tweets in this vein was when I tried to add value to other people observations:

And further integrating my knowledge/experience of technology to add to discusions

Capitalising on my brothers habit of purchasing every VR headset in existence to talk about the differences between current VR and ready player one helps a few times here’s a key discussion:

Bringing back too forecasting based on the general ideas of the screening and looking at feeling influencing that here with Robot and Frank. Having learned how to engage with peoples ‘relatable’ tweets to create productive thoughts for future discussion.

Overall thoughts:

While it was great to be able to tweet at the same time as the rest of the cohort it was interesting seeing the divergent nature of interactions from Chris and Angus (lecturer and Tutor) compared to the general cohorts interactions.

This interactions normally came with mini facts or discussions mostly ignored by the rest of the cohort but using them as a content goal and the tweets I received most interactions with as a delivery method and I think by the end of this experience I have improved in this. Especially in the way to provide information in a relatable way to combine the relatable aspect people seem to like interacting with.

This reminded me a lot of my marketing experience practically and with university theory where the best marketing looks natural but is the least natural thing you will find. I think I have improved that skill over this session and will take that into the future. (see punny because BCM325 Future Cultures … okay i’m done now)

subject Blog: https://futurecultures.blog/2021/05/28/timing-tweeting-together/